As we head towards the warmer months of summer, it is important to be aware of how to keep your pet safe in the heat. Dogs can suffer from heatstroke, which is when the body can’t cope with the internal rise in temperature and in extreme cases, this can be fatal. Dogs cool down by….

We are happy to share with you the progress at our Binfield practice! Our four consultation rooms are being fitted, the dog kennels are in, and upstairs where our administration teams will be based are painted and looking great. We are very much on the countdown to opening and will keep you posted with an….

From the 10th June 2024 it will be compulsory for all cats to be microchipped by the age of 20 weeks and this microchip must be registered with the national database. If you miss the deadline you will have 21 days to have one implanted or you may face a fine of up to £500…..

Team Mulberry put their creative skills to the test for this years Binfield Easter Egg Hunt. This annual event is always hugely popular and raises thousands of pounds for a local nominated charity and it was great to see so many client’s and their 4 legged friends there with our display. We look forward to….

Happy Easter to you and your pets! We are absolutely delighted to have been finalists in the 2024 Petplan Practice of the Year Awards. Thank you so much to all of our clients who nominated us. Sadly we didn’t win on the night, but to be in the top 3 vet practices in the UK….

  We were thrilled to be announced as a Petplan Awards finalist for the Practice of the Year 2024. Louise, Kate, Alex and Sharon attended the awards ceremony in Manchester last night and whilst we didn’t win we wanted to thank all of our amazing clients who voted for us, to make it into the….

In light of all of the news this week, we wanted to share some information about our practice and our prices. Along with much of the vet world, we welcome the CMA investigation and its push to update the veterinary regulations. We are proudly independent at Mulberry House Vets, set up in 2019 by Sharon, Kate,….

Alabama Rot There have been recent cases of Alabama Rot reported in dogs walked in the Wokingham and Bracknell areas, please read on for more information. What is Alabama Rot? Also known as Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy (CRGV), Alabama Rot is a rare but serious disease that affects dogs. It damages the blood vessels….

XL Bullys and their addition to the Dangerous Dogs Act The XL Bully Types have been added to the list of dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act. This act has been in place since 1991 and addition of the XL Bully to this list means certain activities relating to them will be illegal after…..

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