Update on Pet Travel Requirements after BREXIT on 01.01.2021

If you are planning to travel to and from the European Union after 01.01.2021 you will need to start making preparations 4 months in advance.
i.e. Any pet leaving or returning to the UK on the 1st January 2021 will need to have a rabies vaccination no later than the 1st of September 2020.

The government has recently updated its advice and the full information can be found here.

If the UK becomes an unlisted country, a current EU pet passport issued in the UK will not be valid for travel to the EU from the 1st January 2021.

Requirements will be as follows:

1.The pet must have an ID chip present.
2. Rabies vaccination given
3. 30 days after vaccination a blood sample is taken to check for rabies antibodies.
4. 3 months after a successful blood test, the pet can travel. If the blood sample shows the pet does not have sufficient antibodies then they will need to have another rabies vaccination and blood sample.
5. Within 10 days before travelling, you must take your pet to the vet for them to issue an Animal Health Certificate which will be the document required for travel.
6. Your pet must have a tapeworm treatment given by a vet between 1-5 days before entering Finland, Republic of Ireland, Norway or Malta and before re-entering the UK.

The Animal Health Certificate is valid for four months.
Every new journey will require a new Animal Health Certificate.
As long as your pet’s rabies booster vaccinations are up to date, they will not require a further blood test.

If your pet has already had a rabies vaccination but not a blood test then we can perform the blood test. If their booster vaccine is nearly due we would recommend giving this first to ensure they have enough antibodies to pass the test.

Pets must be at least 12 weeks old before they can have a rabies vaccination. Therefore the youngest age a pet will be able to travel is 7 months old.

If you would like more information or to book in for a rabies vaccination or blood sample please make an appointment with one of our vets.

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