Cat microchipping law

From the 10th June 2024 it will be compulsory for all cats to be microchipped by the age of 20 weeks and this microchip must be registered with the national database. If you miss the deadline you will have 21 days to have one implanted or you may face a fine of up to £500.

A microchip is a tiny identification device the size of a grain of rice which contains a unique number that is linked to the pet owner’s contact details. Inserting the microchip is a quick and easy process with an injection under the skin on the back of the neck. The cost is £29.10 and Mulberry Club members receive 10% discount.

We welcome this new legislation to help reunite cats with their owners. Sadly we often have lost or injured cats brought into Mulberry House and if they don’t have a microchip, or if the details are not up to date, it can be very difficult to find their owners.

It is important to keep your contact details on the national database up to date especially if you move home or change your mobile phone number. If you don’t know your pet’s microchip number please contact our reception team who can advise you of this, or you may find it on their vaccination record. If you aren’t sure which database this information is registered with, you can go to microchip search.

Please give us a call on 0118 402 8822 or book a nurse appointment via our website to ensure that your cat is microchipped by the 10th June.


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